Outspoken and Mute!
Day #2 of my self-imposed blogging challenge, FiftyIn50. Today's topic:
On what subjects are you outspoken and on what subjects are you mostly mute?
As I reflect on the topic, I realised how a person changes over the years. Topics I felt passionate about in earlier years are far less relevant now. At 54 I've had time to build me to a position where I am happy in my skin. That includes things that irk me, or not.
I'm mostly outspoken on the basic civilities of being a human being. I try to be kind, and expect nothing less from others. I have no time for rudeness, superiority, or arrogance. When I encounter such traits I feel it's time to speak up.  Mute: Definitely politics and religion. Both tend to generate strong opinions in most, and they are highly personal. I have no religious beliefs, however I respect those who do. Just do not try and convert me! Otherwise we will not get along.
Regarding politics, I do have a view, albeit quite uninformed. I generally don't feel tooled up to have a good discussion. I don't follow politics intently. It does not interest me. The politicians generally all bluster for their passions, but at the end of the day things continue almost as before -- their grand policies are watered down or never see the light of day.
Other randoms....
Outspoken on:
- Misbehaving children with no respect
- self-righteous egotists.
Muted on:
- The many flavours of human identity -- it's too easy to offend.