Forking Mad+

Memorable Concert

My blogging prompt for today: Have you been to a memorable concert? What made it stand out to you?

If you are following along with my blog (thank you, I shall pay you later), you will see from my Musical Madness post that I do not attend concerts. I managed one many years ago and nothing since.

I therefore thought this blog post would be brief, but then I remembered I have attended another one! This time, it was not what you’d consider a traditional arena style concert.

The singer is a small (less-known, not as in height), independent singer. She performs in intimate venues across the UK. I say UK, but I really mean England. She has never made it across the border to Scotland. I’ve berated her a few times for her lack of Northern touring.

Friends have seen her live a few times, so we decided we’d make the effort and arrange to tootle South for one of her intimate gigs. Typically, they are around 200 people in a small venue; tables; food; wine. Ideal.

And then Covid arrived, and like the rest of the planet, we turned to hermits for a while. Fast forward a year or so and she restarted her ‘tour’, but this time on-line.

It was perfect. She sat with her band in a recording studio; everyone tuned in via the magic of the internet. We also Zoomed with our friends to feel a little more joined-in.

We sat in our house with the music on the big TV, us comfortably relaxing on our sofa, and our friends joining us at the side of the TV on a laptop. We had a great time singing along together.

It did get a little confusing sometimes as our feed seemed to be a few seconds behind our friend’s feed. Which meant our friends would chime out loud, “Oh, we love this one”, while I was still boldly singing the last few bars of the previous song.

Good times

#22/50 FiftyIn50 Blogging Challenge

