Life Rules?
Do I have a set of rules or guidelines for life?
Not that I'm conscious of. I don't have a rule book, or list. However as you grow as a person, it is clear that you define your internal standards to deliver your personality.
I live my life on the principle that I should present myself in the same manner I expect to be treated.
- Trustworthy and honest
- Caring and non judgmental
- Respectful
- Fair
- Happy and tolerant
These are my ideals, and I appreciate they sound a bit ‘too good’ but I really strive to be that person.
It's not always possible and I do struggle with tolerance sometimes - usually when someone is being disrespectful or rude. I have to step up and say something. I also struggle with entitled or precocious children who have no respect for others.
I'm sure some people might think I am a complete twat -- but I have no room in my life for negative energy.
That was my FiftyIn50 blogging prompt for today. #49/50. My penultimate article in the prompting series. One to go!