Adding Comments to Bear
I love reading blog posts, and I also enjoy responding to them. I enjoy writing blog posts, and getting replies. It makes it more interesting.
However, comments are not for everyone, or every post. Also, comments have traditionally opened up your blog to spammers. It's a balancing act.
Full disclosure -- I developed Komments to serve my own purposes but a few people then asked if they could use it, so I have opened it up to everyone. is an entirely separate website, but let's call it a side-app 😏 It sounds nicer.
How does it work? Simple:
- Write your blog post as normal in Bear
- Create an page in for user comments
- Add a link on your blog post to the unique address in Komments
- Done
If anyone leaves a comment you must approve it before it is live. Approving takes a few seconds.
There's more detail in the Documentation, and you can see it in action by clicking the comments link at the end of this blog post. There's also details on using Komments with Bear
Works everywhere
You can use Komments anywhere, on any blogging/website that allows links (which is all of them basically). Depending on what access you have to the blogging page code, you can even add buttons, or insert the Komments directing on the page.
Here's a two minute video on how to add commenting to a Bear blog post.
Give it a go
Fancy trying it? Have any thoughts? Want to test it?
Oh, and it's completely FREE. No adverts, no tracking. Just plain and simple good clean honest coding to help us all enjoy the web.
I'm happy to help, if you are not sure how to set it up. Email